
Monday, May 2, 2022

Fwd: Gems From My Reading

Gems From My Reading

Be of good cheer.

Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.   Psalm 141:3 

Let me no wrong or idle word, unthinking say;
Set Thou a seal upon my lips--just for today. 

Keep still!  When trouble is brewing, keep still!  When slander is getting on its legs, keep still!  When your feelings are hurt, keep still till you recover from your excitement at any rate!  Things look different through and un-agitated eye.

In a commotion once I wrote a letter and sent it, and wished I had not.  In my later years I had another commotion and wrote another long letter; my life had rubbed a little sense into me, and I kept that letter in my pocket until I could look it over without agitation, and without tears, and I was glad I did--less and less it seemed necessary to send it.  I was not sure it would do any harm, but in my doubtfulness I learned reticence, and eventually it was destroyed, 

Time works wonders!  Wait till you can speak calmly and then perhaps you will not need to speak.  Silence is the most powerful thing conceivable, sometimes.  It is strength in its grandeur; it is like a regiment ordered to stand still in the mad fury of battle.  To plunge in were twice as easy.  Nothing is lost by learning to keep still.

Lord, keep me still, Though stormy winds may blow,
And waves my little bark may overflow, or even if in darkness I must go,
Yet keep me still, yet keep me still. 

Lord, keep me still, the waves are in Thy hand, the roughest winds subside at Thy command. Steer Thou my bark in safety to the land,
And keep me still, and keep me still.

Lord, keep me still, and may I ever hear Thy still small voice 
To comfort and to cheer; so shall I know and feel Thee ever near.
And keep me still, and keep me still.

N.J. Hiebert - 8838


And they rose up the same hour, and returned... Luke 24: 33 "...for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Heb. 13: 5

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