
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Fwd: Gems From My Reading

Gems From My Reading

Be of good cheer.

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.   Galatians 6:14

Beethoven was in the habit of playing his symphonies on an old harpsichord, as a test.  They would thus be made to stand out in their true character, with nothing to hide their faults, or exaggerate their beauties.

Thus wisely may we test our character, endeavouring to ascertain how it manifests itself - not on great and rare occasions, or before the public eye, where there is a chance for display and applause - but in private, in the little, homely everyday duties, which attract no particular attention and reward us with no praise.

If in the retired nook of your own breast, in the regulation of your thoughts and feelings; if in the bosom of your family, in the monotonous round of home life each day, you preserve a sweet serene temper, and go forward cheerfully, taking a real pleasure in duty as duty, and in all these little matters honestly strive to serve and please the heavenly Master; if, in a word, your piety sounds well on such an unpretending harp, it is good, genuine, tested; it will one day win acclamation from a vaster and nobler throng than ever was thrilled by the genius of Beethoven. 


Every character has an inward spring; let Christ be in it.  Every action has a keynote; let Christ set it!  Drummond


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