
Monday, June 11, 2012

Communion with...

’MID scenes of confusion, and creature-complaints,
How sweet to the soul is communion with saints;
To find at the banquet of mercy there’s room,
To feel in communion a foretaste of home.

2 Sweet bonds that unite all the children of peace!
And thrice-blessed Saviour whose love cannot cease!
Though oft amid trials and dangers we roam,
With Thine we’re united, and hasting towards home.

3 While here, in the valley of conflict, we stay,
O give us submission and strength as the day:
Soon free from afflictions, to Thee we shall come,
And find with our Saviour a heavenly home.

4 Whate’er Thou deniest, O give us Thy grace,
Thy Spirit’s blest witness, the smiles of Thy face;
And grant us still patience to wait at Thy throne,
And find, never-ceasing, the foretaste of home.

5 We wait, blessed Lord in Thy beauties to shine,
To see Thee in glory—the glory divine;
With all Thy redeemed, from the earth, from the tomb,
To be to Thy praise, blessed Saviour at home.

Monday, June 4, 2012

..them that suffer...

Fragment By: C.J. Feaver
From: Christian Truth: Volume 24

"Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.". 1 Peter 4:19.
In Ethiopia there are very few bridges. Often it is necessary to wade through swollen streams to reach a destination. In this there is constant danger of being swept off one's feet into deeper water among treacherous rocks. As the weight of the human body is only slightly heavier than water, it is difficult to maintain a foothold. There is no problem, however, for the Ethiopian. He slings a sack of stones over his shoulder for ballast. On reaching safety he empties the sack. So sometimes in order to keep us from falling the Lord places burdens on us. No burden is heavier than we can bear, and He knows exactly what is necessary for our good. C. J. Feaver.

"The burden He gives may seem heavy,
But it ne'er outweighs His grace;
It may keep my feet from stumbling,
Until I see His face."

Friday, June 1, 2012

Romans 12:12

A special verse from a special chapter, of which I have been reminded by special people!

Painted by: Anna McLean (2012).

A gracious woman...